What a horrendous week! We lost all of our lovely chickens. It's been so hard saying goodbye to our feathery friends, and the garden feels strangely empty without them. We've been busy rebuilding …
Learning to Ride a Bike
Learning to ride a bike is a bit like life itself – full of wobbles, a few bumps, and the occasional fall. But here's the thing: those falls aren't failures, they're just part of the process! Every …
Wet and Cold Weather – Time to Dress Up Youth Workers
Staying warm and dry while working with young people in a detached setting during the UK winter months is crucial! Here's a breakdown of clothing recommendations to keep you comfortable and able to …
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Creating a Sensory Garden
Project Summary We are seeking funding to create a vibrant and accessible sensory garden that will provide a rich outdoor learning environment for visitors of all ages and abilities, while …
Opposite of Escalating
I work in Fowey School as a youth worker running a farm for young people. There is never any issues with the young people they are all fantastic. But for those walking streets techniques for …
We lost all our chickens yesterday
Sometimes, things happen in life that are hard to understand. Last night, we lost all of our chickens. It's okay to feel sad, angry, or confused. We think a fox got into the coop, Even though we did …