What I try to tell young people is that if you come together with a mission, and its grounded with love and a sense of community, you can make the impossible possible. John Lewis …
Off-Grid Generator
We made a grant to our Deanery Synod asking for money for a generator and video projector to help with the youth work. This is the application. To meet the physical, intellectual and spiritual …
Relational Youth Work
Love God. Philippians 2 v "Even if I am poured out... Love the young people. Be real - be yourself. Be exactly that. Believe in the young people that you're working with. Stand with the young …
Practical Youth Work
Practical youth work activities are the heart of this youth group. These include: Short-term activities which require little planning and are a great way to encourage social interaction, such as …
Rude vs Mean vs Bullying
There is a distinction between the above behaviours: Rude Inadvertently saying or doing something that hurts someone else. They might have elements of bullying but rudeness is generally based on …
Detached Youth Work
From "Thinking on your feet, The Prince's Trust" Detached Youth Work is a model of youth work practice, targeted at vulnerable young people, which takes place on young people's own territory such as …