We made a grant to our Deanery Synod asking for money for a generator and video projector to help with the youth work. This is the application.
- To meet the physical, intellectual and spiritual needs of young people over the age of 11.
- To ensure young people find purpose in their lives
- To have fun
Describe briefly the way you will achieve these Mission aims & objectives:
- Currently we meet twice a week on a Thursday and a Friday.
- On a Thursday night we are looking at Mark’s gospel.
- On a Friday night we meet to organise games, chat and have fun.
- Young people are also encouraged to come to our family service and Tea and Toast service.
- We are starting to train young people in worship and leadership.
- Young people over the age of 15 are becoming leaders and receiving training
Who else is involved in this project and how are/will you work together?
- The PCC has been proactively supporting the youth work by providing insurance, meeting to discuss the progress of youth work and ensuring we act in accordance with the law in regard to policies and insurance.
- Lerryn School have raised the funds for an initial building. We meet in this building free of charge.
- The young people have already raised £200 towards the video projector.
Could the project outcomes be adapted for use in other parishes/clusters? If so, how?
- It depends on what we get funding. In terms of the video projector then all parishes could use one.
- However, in terms of the generator then it depends whether they go down the road of off-grid working.
- However, in respect of our youth work, I would encourage all churches to come and see what we do. I am also happy to offer training in youth work. I am fully trained as a JNC accredited youth worker and have over 25 years experience working as a detached youth worker for local authorities and churches.
How will you know you have achieved your aims and objectives?
- The generator will allow us to be off-grid.
- The video projector will allow us to offer a more in-depth worship experience.
Our main target is to raise £899 towards a generator that would provide off-grid electricity to the building we use. This would allow us to set up lights and also run a laptop for videos etc. The shop that will sell us the generator has a second hand model for £360. This has had very little use and the shop term it as nearly new.
Our secondary target is for £300 towards a video projector. The total cost is £500 but we already have £200 raised.
On a long term basis we are talking with the school and will start a greater project in that we will be building our own club hut which the school will have use of as well. This will be sited on the school playing field and will be a major asset to all.
Total amount sought from Deanery funds:
£899 or £660 if we are able to purchase the second hand one. If you would prefer us to buy a new one and will put £101 towards the video projector, we will continue to raise the final amount needed for the video projector.
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