Monday (1st) Rich in Fowey. In the evening Rich met with Young leaders at field planning a potential structure.
Tuesday (2nd) Got ok from school about structure in field plus messaged young people about it. Contact with Eden Gardener re: young leader at (wish) Game Changers and he’s happy for the young person to come and meet him at Eden. Prep and prayer
Thursday (4th) God group prep and in the evening God group walk and stories (Nicodemus) also checked up on Game Changer participation with young leader, he hasn’t been at all this week and doesn’t know what could be the way forward. therefore Rich will visit The Gardener at Eden with him next week to see if we can help towards employment/ volunteering that way.
Friday (5th) Anna on admin and Rich in Fowey all day.
In the evening Youth Group – structure plans plus river is going to be high so need awareness that young people may be there rather than at youth club. Proposing that youth club happens on the field rather than by river to create distinction of weather the young people are part of the youth club at that time or not.
Saturday (6th) Building on school field plus supporting school fair.
Sun (7th) Prep and prayer – re: “one on one” discipleship with lads
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