Temperament broadly refers to consistent individual differences in behaviour that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes.
People with a sanguine personality type tend to be lively, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree. They love adventure and have high risk tolerance. They are poor at tolerating boredom and will seek variety and entertainment. They are prone to pleasure-seeking behaviours, and are likely to struggle with addictions. Their constant cravings can lead to overeating and weight problems. They are very creative and can become great artists. Moreover, they are fantastic entertainers.
- Sociable
- Charismatic
- Outgoing
- Confident
- Warm-hearted
- Pleasant
- Lively
- Optimistic
- Fun lover
- Spontaneous
- Preventer of dull moments
- Quick apologiser
- Easy
- Impulsive
- Chronically late
- Shameless
- Forgetful
- Compulsive talker
- Too loud
- Sometimes too happy
- Distractible
- Not interested in following through with tasks that are boring
- Self-absorbed
- Exaggerator
- Appears unauthentic
People with melancholic personalities love traditions. Women cook for men; men open doors for women. They love their families and friends. They are very social and seek to contribute to the community. They are thorough and accurate and are fantastic managers with good personalities.
- Thoughtful
- Considerate
- Cautious
- Organised
- Excessive planner
- Schedule orientated
- Detailed
- Highly creative
- Independent
- Good at preventing problems
- Obsessive
- Too cautious
- Prone to depression
- Prone to moodiness
- Perfectionist
- Pessimistic
- Difficult to please
- Deeply affected by tragedy
- A person with tunnel vision
- Procrastinator
- Discontent with themselves and others
- Prone to play the martyr
Someone with a phlegmatic personality is usually a people person. They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships, making them loyal spouses and loving parents. They tend to preserve their relationships people. They tend to avoid conflict and always try to mediate between others to restore peace and harmony.They are very much into charity and helping others.
- Relaxed
- Quiet and calm
- Content with themselves
- Kind
- Consistent
- Steady and faithful
- Accepting
- Affectionate
- Diplomatic
- Peacemaking
- Rational
- Curious
- Observant
- Easy friend maker
- Sometimes shy
- Fearful of change
- Prone to laziness
- Stubborn
- Passive aggressive
- Indecisive
- Permissive
- Not goal orientated
- Unenthusiastic
- Too compromising
- Undisciplined
- Sarcastic
- Discouraging
- Non-participative
Choleric people are usually a goal-oriented. They are savvy, analytical, and logical and extremely practical and straightforward. They aren’t necessarily good companions or particularly friendly and they dislike small talks, preferring deep and meaningful conversations. They would rather be alone than in the company of shallow, superficial people. Ideally, they want to spend time with people who have similar professional interests.
- Ambitious
- Passionate
- Leader-like
- Focused
- Efficient
- Practical
- Good at planning
- Good at problem solving
- Confident
- Motivating
- Good at delegation
- Usually right
- Great in an emergency
- Aggressive
- Domineering
- Inflexible
- Impatient
- Rude and tactless
- Argumentative
- Unable to relax
- Uncomfortable around emotion
- Low on empathy
- Discouraged by failures
- Too busy for people
- Intolerant
- A leader who demands loyalty
And for anyone interested I am principally sanguine with a decent mix of phlegmatic. I have almost no qualities of the melancholic and choleric!
Restless and spontaneous, I like reading and gaining knowledge. I am a risk-taker but can get bored easily. I adapt to different situations quickly and will want to change things because routine is boring! I am impulsive. I am not a completer-finisher, wanting to move on to the next new thing. I am optimistic and joyful. Additionally, I am unassuming, agreeable and intuitive. I am imaginative and love people and connecting with them.
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