Need an icebreaker. This is simple and can be used with a group of 8. They pick a number and then you ask the question related to that number. Start with set one and keep moving on, the questions get gradually ‘deeper’.
Set One
- Describe what you would do on your ideal holiday?
- What do you daydream about?
- If you could have what you really wanted in life, what would it be?
- What would you do, if you knew you couldn’t fail?
- Describe your favourite way of spending your leisure time?
- If I could smash one thing, and only one thing, I would smash…
- My favourite time in the year is…
- My favourite time in the day is…
- What would you most like to do to be remembered in history?
- What kind of social gathering do you like best?
- Describe the most excitingly creative person you have known?
- What would you most like to do or be for the next five years if there were no limitations?
- What do you find most boring and unenjoyable about your life?
- The time I feel most alive is…
- The time I feel most alone is…
- What do you most trust in?
- Is God real to you and if so, when did he become real to you?
- When do you feel closest to God?
- When has God seemed furthest away from you?
- What is the most vivid experience of prayer you have had?
- What does ‘faith’ mean to you personally?
- How do you endeavour to show your love to God?
- What do you most want God to do for you?
- What do you find hardest to believe about God?
Set Two
- My favourite subject at school is/was?
- What food do you dislike most?
- What is your favourite food?
- My favourite music is…
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- What present would you most like to receive?
- My favourite programme/film/series is?
- My favourite place in the house is?
- What is your happiest memory?
- Describe your ideal friend?
- Tell who you are?
- What is the best book you have ever read?
- What is your most valued possession?
- The thing I fear the most is…
- If I had £10 million to use for the benefit of people, I would use the money to…
- What makes you feel depressed?
- What things make or keep your life complicated?
- Who is Jesus?
- How do you feel about God?
- Describe what you think when you hear the word ‘church’.
- Should we love everyone?
- Do you think God is fair?
- Do you believe in aliens?
- What does the word sin mean to you?
Set Three
- If I could visit any place in the world on holiday, I would go to…
- The three things I am best at…
- The greatest discovery I would like to make is…
- Describe your most embarrassing moment!
- The thing that gives me greatest satisfaction is…
- How do you feel about money?
- What person has been the most influential in your life?
- Who is the most authentic person you have met?
- The greatest value in my life at the moment is…
- Who has most changed your life?
- Whose approval do you need the most?
- What is your most satisfying accomplishment?
- What gives you self-respect?
- What disturbs you most about the misuse of the physical resources of the world?
- What do you find to be the worst pressures and strains in your life?
- Tell your three strongest and your three weakest points?
- What kind of person makes a good listener?
- At what time in your life has God seemed most real to you?
- What one question above all others do you want God to answer?
- What kind of person do you confide in?
- The greatest crime one person can commit against another is…
- What makes a good relationship?
- What kind of things make you irritated/angry?
- What feelings do you have trouble expressing/controlling?
And finally, some bonus questions that will eventually grow into set four. Please let me know in the comments if you have any to add.
- What are your ambitions and goals?
- How do you feel about the salary or reward you get for work or school?
- How do you feel about people at school or work?
- What do you find most satisfying?
- What are your long term goals?
- What are your short term goals?
- What does your personal freedom mean to you?
- Describe the most significant event in your life?
- What things make life simple?
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