Last night a small group of us met to build a bench. Last week we grabbed a load of scrap wood and cobbled a ‘seat’ together. This week we up our game a bit and bought some wood (sponsorship by St Veep Church) and built a bench. This is simple woodworking skills and the real aim is to learn to work together, sharing skills and swapping tasks as we go along. And here is the finished result:
As you can see we lit a fire and enjoyed a well-earned cup of tea at the end. Very happy. Next week we are going to work on combining bought wood with pallet wood and at the end of it, hopefully we will have an extension to the current bench.
This is also an ask post. We need some help with the next few projects and the need is financial. We are asking if there are any willing individuals who will help the youth club onto the next building project. We want to build an off-grid hut. We need to do some groundwork, and then build the hut and this is priority number 1. Next will be to power the project and to put in a toilet. We are looking to get hold of a small log burner for heat and then finally to extend into decking etc.
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