I have never undertaken a youth community survey but can see how it might be useful. I have put together a rough template for you to use.
This survey aims to understand the experiences, needs, and perspectives of young people in our community. Your honest answers will help us create programmes and initiatives that better serve you. This survey is anonymous and confidential.
Section 1: About You
- Age:
- Gender:
- What neighbourhood do you live in?
- What school do you attend? (If applicable)
- What are your hobbies or interests? (Please list 3-5)
Section 2: School and Education
- How do you feel about school? (Enjoyable, Challenging, Stressful, etc.)
- What are your favourite subjects in school?
- What are your biggest challenges in school?
- What kind of support would help you succeed in school?
- What are your plans after finishing school? (College/university, vocational training, work, etc.)
Section 3: Community Life
- How connected do you feel to your community? (Very connected, Somewhat connected, Not connected)
- What are your favourite things about your community?
- What are the biggest challenges facing young people in your community?
- What kind of activities or programmes would you like to see in your community? (Sports, arts, music, social events, etc.)
- Are there any places in your community where you feel safe and welcome? If yes, where?
Section 4: Well-being and Mental Health
- How would you describe your overall well-being? (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)
- Have you ever experienced stress, anxiety, or depression?
- If yes, have you sought help for these issues? (Yes/No)
- What kind of support would be helpful for your mental health? (Counselling, support groups, etc.)
- Do you feel comfortable talking to someone if you’re struggling with your mental health? (Yes/No)
Section 5: Your Voice
- Do you feel like your voice is heard in your community? (Yes/No)
- If no, what would help you feel more heard?
- What changes would you like to see in your community to make it a better place for young people?
- Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is valuable to us!
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