Why a snail? It has been asked many a time and so to cut a short story long, I love them. The intricacies of the shell, the smooth glide through love. They are to me one of God’s fascinating creations.
Snails move by alternating body contractions with stretching, with a proverbially low speed (1 mm/s is a typical speed for adult Helix lucorum [1]). They produce mucus in order to aid locomotion by reducing friction. The mucus also reduces the snail’s risk of injury. Snails also have a mantle that covers the internal organ which is called a foot.
Snails are found everywhere – land, sea and freshwater. They mostly are vegetarian although some can be omnivorous – which actually surprises me. I have never seen a snail barbecue!
I also once spent hours rescuing snails. Mum and dad got worried because I was late home and came searching along with most of the neighbourhood and police. They found me several miles away rescuing snails. I think I was 7!
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