Oh my goodness, what a day! Our new chickens have arrived! We’ve got a whole flock of beauties:
- Ben Eggy: A handsome White Star pullet, he’s already laying lovely white eggs!
- Nugget: Two lively Copper Black Maran Hybrids, named Nugget 1 and Nugget 2. We can’t wait to see their gorgeous dark eggs!
- Holly: A sweet Utility Light Sussex pullet, she’s sure to add a touch of colour to our flock.
- Nigel: A charming Copper Bluebelle pullet, he’ll be a welcome addition to our coop.
- Sue: A playful Speckledy pullet, she’s sure to bring some personality to our flock.
- Oli: A hardworking Utility Rhode Island Red Hybrid pullet, she’ll be a reliable egg layer.
We’re so excited to watch these young pullets grow and mature. We can’t wait to hear their first dad jokes!
As for when they will be telling dad jokes…well, that’s a bit of a mystery. Chickens don’t actually have a sense of humour, so it’s unlikely that they will ever be able to tell jokes. However, they are very social creatures, so they may enjoy interacting with each other and with us in other ways.
We’re just happy to have them here!
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