I have recently collected two 'junk' bikes, although what is junk to someone is treasure to another. Over the last 9 months I have been learning about electrifying bicycles. I added a 1000 watt motor …
Eat Better...... Feel Better Low in Calories, high in nutrientsAntioxidantHelp with cancer and ageingLower blood pressurePrevent heart diseaseMaintain brain function and improve memory And they …
An Allium for every Garden
Alliums, aka ornamental onions, are some of the most beautiful flowering bulbs for the spring and summer garden. Onions, leeks, garlic, shallots, and chives – I’ve never met an Allium I didn’t like. …
One of my favourite birds and also one of the commonest. However, in recent years their urban population has fallen dramatically. Social birds that tend to nest in colonies they are happy to mix …
Juneberry or Snowy Mespilus Hedge
June Berry (also known as Snowy Mespilus) makes a gorgeous addition to a mixed hedge. Plant Juneberry amongst an assortment of native hedge plants. The bush blooms in March and April with star shaped …
Off-Grid Solar System
I have been running a small solar system for nearly 6 years. This system has worked well, charging batteries for power tools, batteries for electric bikes and a railway track. My shed however also has …