Light My Way by Sheona Beaumont. Gouche, pen, charcoal, ink and glitter on paper with border. …
Calculating Range – Electric Cars
A car's range can be calculated by how far a car can travel with the available fuel. I wish it was that simple! Do you drive with your foot to the floor or economically? How old is your car? Is it …
Described by Taylor Swift as "one of my favourite songs I have written" but what is it about and why as a youth worker should I be taking notes. Here are the lyrics: [Verse 1]I have this thing …
Some interesting things about young people in the UK
However, mental health is still a rising issue and despite all these qualifications jobs have become insecure. Young people find themselves less equipped to work. …
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How does temperature affect range
Once again simple research shows that whilst temperature does affect range it is auxiliary stuff that affects battery performance greater. For example if it is -3 degrees C then you will turn your …
Do electric cars idle?
Just thought I would answer some of my own questions! And no electric cars don't idle in the same sense that petrol cars idle. The motor is on or off and will use very little energy. So why when I …