Bought two of these yesterday and met a young lad who had been paddling up the Fowey to Golant. We had a small fry up simply because I couldn't find any food (Lidl shop tomorrow!). These Horizon …
Testing the Active Noise Cancelling | The Fairbuds XL | Fairphone
Since 2013, Fairphone is on a mission to create a more sustainable and ethical smartphone. The modular, repairable Fairphone 4 champions longer-lasting design, fair materials, good working conditions, …
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Alcohol and Detached Youth Work
What do you do when you meet young people drinking alcohol? If the young person is under 18 or there is a ban on open bottles or drinking alcohol then the young people will be committing an offence. …
Working with Conflict
In a detached youth work setting I mentioned in an earlier post that there are no rules on the street, you are meeting the young people on their ground. However, all of us deserve respect and this …
Log Cabin Renovation
This playlist if about renovating a forgotten Estonian log cabin that had been left to the elements for years. …
The Peculiarity of doing Detached Youth Work with God
At the start of this post I just want to say that it doesn't negate planning. Planning is important and creating milestones or steps you want to achieve. God orders and is involved in planning. …
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