An eventful week:
- (Monday) Lads group on the field with fires and grrrr (5 lads)
- (Wednesday) Bumped into young person from FRA and parent who were desperate for Rich to help with the situation in school which is deteriorating for yp.
- (AM Friday) Planned an impromptu youth group meeting tonight.
- (PM Friday) Youth club fire, footy, rounders, frisbee etc. also chatted with Will about pub quiz, they have offered to put on a Auction. (12 present 3 adults, 2 young leaders, 7 yp).
- (Saturday) thrashing out ideas/ plans or not for girls group way forward etc
- (Saturday) All Churches funding bid
- (Sunday) Family Service Unable to bring any young people as we have a car full now with just our household. Praying for the opportunity for a larger vehicle.
- (Sunday) Constructive chats with William and Janet Taylor and Louise. William suggested not worrying so much about the worship element as young people listen to their own music but focus on the teaching. Rich writing a discipleship course and planning to trial a purpose driven life (Rick Warren) course with our children.
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